N-COUNT (依赖强国的)附庸国 A client state is a country which is controlled or influenced by another larger and more powerful state, or which depends on this state for support and protection.
...France and its African client states. 法国和其非洲附庸国
When the client saves a new state of the item to the repository, the new values of the various properties are copied into the shared item, and notification events are delivered to interested parties. 当客户端将该项的新状态保存到存储库时,各个属性的新值将复制到共享项中,并向相关各方发送通知事件。
If a client using your state machine service calls the wrong operation for the current state, the client will receive a fault to let it know what happened. 如果使用状态机服务的客户端为当前状态调用了错误的操作,则该客户端将接收一个错误,使其知道将发生什么情况。
The more often the client polls for state, the more likely the client has an accurate resource representation. 客户端轮询状态的频度越高,其获得的资源表示形式就可能越准确。
It can also become very complex when the HTML needs to have JavaScript ( or, at least event listeners) attached to it, causing you to keep track of client state on the server. 如果HTML需要JavaScript(至少事件侦听程序)附加到其上,这种方法也会变得非常复杂,使您不得不在服务器上跟踪客户机的状态。
In a RESTful Web service, the server is responsible for generating responses and for providing an interface that enables the client to maintain application state on its own. 在基于REST的Web服务中,服务器负责生成响应,并提供使客户端能够独自维护应用程序状态的接口。
The client uses the state to determine whether the operation can be performed ( that is, whether the file is locked). 客户端采用状态来确定操作是否可执行(那就是,文件是否被锁定)。
If this flag is false, the client state remains in place across connections with the broker; for example, the client application does not need to re-subscribe every time it subsequently reconnects. 如果此标志为false,客户机状态就在连接代理过程中保持不变;例如,客户应用程序无需每次在后续的重连接时都重新订阅。
When a new client becomes available it instantiates a new Client object representing the state of that client. 当新客户机变为可用时,它就实例化一个新的Client对象,该对象代表了那个客户机的状态。
When a REST client accesses a representation of a resource, the client transitions into a state. 当REST客户访问到资源的表示时,客户转换到一个状态。
All of the mechanisms available for storing state information on the client have flaws; the most fundamental is that the client can lose this state, leaving the server with no idea what happened. 所有在客户机上存储状态的机制都有缺陷;最基本的缺陷是客户机可能丢失状态,导致服务器无法了解以前的情况。
Furthermore, the client can alter this state. 另外,客户机可以修改状态。
The Japanese right, though a firm supporter of the US alliance, resents a postwar settlement that casts Japan as uniquely villainous and that treats it as a client state. 日本右翼虽然是日美同盟的坚定支持者,却不满于将日本视为唯一恶人、并当成附庸国对待的战后清算。
We don't want the server to have to track every single client as it moves through state space since there could be thousands ( or even millions) of clients. 我们不希望服务器移动状态空间时必须跟踪每一个客户,因为可能存在成千上万的(甚至几百万)的客户。
Back when the northern half of Vietnam was a Soviet client state, and the southern half an American one, neither superpower would have contemplated building a nuclear power plant here. 当初越南北部地区是苏联的附庸,南部地区则听命于美国。那个时候,美苏这两个超级大国可能都没有考虑过在越南修建核电站。
Psychologicalhealth services, ie counseling, benefit from affective computingapplications when determining a client's emotional state. 心理健康服务,即咨询服务,受益于情感计算应用时,确定客户的情绪状态。
With server-based state management, you can decrease the amount of information sent to the client in order to preserve state, however it can use costly resources on the server. 通过基于服务器的状态管理,为了保留状态,您可以减少发送给客户端的信息量,但它可能会使用服务器上高成本的资源。
The dark blue line shows the client's path through state space, while the gray line shows the server's. 深蓝色的线表示状态空间下客户端的路径,而灰色的线显示的是服务器的。
When a client's intent or mental state is in issue, a tribunal may consider otherwise admissible evidence of a lawyer's advice to the client. 在就委托人的意图或者心态存在争议时,裁判庭可以参酌关于律师提供给委托人的建议的可采证据。
His defence lawyer said that the hearing was cut short because of his client's poor physical state. 他的辩护律师称,由于他的当事人身体状况不佳,听审的时间被减少了。
On Saturday Pyongyang called for Japan's exclusion from the six-party talks, saying that, as a client state of the US, there was no need for its attendance. 上周六,平壤方面呼吁将日本排除在六方会谈之外,称日本作为美国的附庸国,没有参加会谈的必要。
It has led to a huge semi-public client state of consultants and quangos. 它还带来了由咨询顾问和半官方机构组成的半公共性质的附庸群体。
In other words, I would return a303 response that redirected back to the VM status, so that the client would know that the state has changed. 换句话说,我会返回一个303响应,重定向回VM状态,这样客户端就知道状态已经改变了。
On managing client state in such an architecture he warns that 对于在这样一种架构中管理客户端的状态,他警告说
The initial client of the state capital is all citizens. 国有资本的初始委托人是全体公民。
The country is a client state deeply dependent upon China, both economically and politically. 国家是深深依赖在中国之上的客户州,节俭地而且政治地。
A new technology of credit forecast and evaluation for mobile clients is presented based on the statistic analysis of client behaviour character in this paper and a system is built to train and recognize client credit state by means of BP neural networks. 提出了一种移动通信客户信用预测评估的方法.该方法基于移动通信客户行为属性的统计分析,以其作为客户信用预测评估的依据,建立BP神经网络的训练和识别的模型。
It can provide the function of special client service and monitor the state of workflow activity. 它提供特定的客户端功能和监控管理功能。
An access control system was designed in SSL VPN server to control the access requests of different VPN clients. It is based on the result of client security state. The access control to requests of SSL VPN clients further enhances SSL VPN system security performance. 在SSLVPN服务器设计了访问控制系统用于控制不同客户端的接入请求,控制的依据是VPN客户端安全状态检测的结果,对客户端访问控制进一步增强了SSLVPN系统的安全性能。
During the period of Five Dynasty of China, the whole country was in a split state. There existed the Central Plains Regime, the North Minority and his client state regime, the Southern Separatist Regime. 五代时期,国土不完,中华大地上分布着中原汉族政权、北方少数民族及其附庸政权和南方各汉族割据政权。
( VI) The retail client should adjust the state of mind actively and build up a proper view of investment. Cultivate the idea of a rational investment. 散户投资者应积极调整心态,树立正确的投资观念,培养理性投资的理念。